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Matterial API Objects

Documentation of matterial API objects and their properties.


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
commentText String No/No
contentStyle String No/No
createTimeInSeconds Number No/No
dataSourceDisplayName String No/No
dataSourceId Number No/No
documentFollowedByAdditionalProperty Boolean No/No
documentFollowedByCategory Boolean No/No
documentFollowedDirectly Boolean No/No
documentId Number No/No
documentLanguageVersionId Number No/No
documentLanguageVersionLanguageKey String No/No
documentLanguageVersionTitle String No/No
documentLanguageVersionVersion Number No/No
languageKey String No/No
messageType String No/No
notificationStatus Number No/No
personAccountId Number No/No
personAccountLogin String No/No
personFirstName String No/No
personLastName String No/No
receiverAcountId Number No/No
receiverEmail String No/No
receiverFirstName String No/No
receiverLastName String No/No
receiverLogin String No/No
taskAssignee String No/No
taskDescription String No/No
taskDueDate String No/No
taskId Number No/No
taskSnap Boolean No/No
taskStatus String No/No
jsonType String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
The identifier of the object.
name String 1/255 Yes/Yes
description String 0/4000 Yes/Yes
following Boolean No/No
Indicates, if the current user follows the additional property in the specified language. Requires the parameter “loadFollowingLanguageKey” when loading the additional property.
propertyType Number No/No
The type of the additional property.
validBeginInSeconds Number No/No
Unix time stamp in seconds when the additional property will be valid.
validEndInSeconds Number No/No
Unix time stamp in seconds when the additional property will not be valid anymore.
jsonType String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
city String 0/255 No/No
country String 0/255 No/No
houseNumber String 0/255 No/No
postalCode String 0/255 No/No
street String 0/255 No/No
jsonType String No/No
imported Boolean No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
buckets Map<String, Number> No/No
Buckets-map containing the aggregated results. key: value of indexField, value: hits
indexField String No/No
The index field that was aggregated.


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
name String No/No
status Number No/No
mimeType String No/No
casId String No/No
casIdImgLarge String No/No
casIdImgSmall String No/No
casIdPdf String No/No
casIdThumbnail String No/No
createTimeInSeconds Number No/No
displayName String No/No
fileSize Number No/No
fileSizeImgLarge Number No/No
fileSizeImgSmall Number No/No
fileSizePdf Number No/No
fileSizeThumbnail Number No/No


The BatchActionAdditionalData is the class that is used to execute batch actions on documents. Each property of the class can contain elements that the batch process can update.

Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
additionalProperties Array<AdditionalProperties> No/No
The list of additional properties a document should get.
archivedBeginInSecondsRequest Number No/No
The start time stamp (Unix Time Stamp) when the document will be archived.
categoryIds Array<Number> No/No
The list of category ids the document should be assigned to.


The category class is used to manage document categories. Categories can be assigned to documents and persons can follow categories.
Implemented since version: 1.0

Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
The identifier of the object.
name String 1/255 Yes/Yes
The name of the category.
description String 0/4000 Yes/No
The description of the category.
typeId String Yes/Yes
The id of the category type to which this category belongs to
typePersonal Boolean No/No
True, if the category type, to which this category belongs to, is a personal category type.
following Boolean No/No
Indicates, if the current user follows the category in the specified language. Requires the parameter “loadFollowingLanguageKey” when loading the category.
usageCount Number No/No
Number, how many times the category is used. Requires the “loadUsage” parameter when loading the category.
quick Boolean No/No
A quick category is currently only represented by the “Mark as favourite” (the little star) in the user interface.
jsonType String No/No
casId String No/No
casIdThumbnail String No/No
fileSize Number No/No
fileSizeThumbnail Number No/No


The category type class is used to manage categories types. Category types are used to group categories together.
Implemented since version: 1.0

Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
The identifier of the object.
name String 1/255 Yes/Yes
The name of the category type.
description String 0/4000 Yes/No
The description of the category type.
quick Boolean No/No
Note: Currently, the system only supports one quick category type and it is handled by the system and cannot be updated or removed.
A quick category type is a special category type.
personal Boolean No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
The identifier of the object.
name String 1/255 Yes/Yes
The name of the Client.
clientPreferences PreferenceMapContainer No/No
A PreferenceMapContainer containing all the preferences of a client.
skinColourButton String Yes/No
This property defines the button color.
skinColourLabel String Yes/No
This property defines the label color.
skinColourNotification String Yes/No
This property defines the Notification color.
jsonType String No/No
casId String No/No
casIdImgLarge String No/No
casIdImgSmall String No/No
casIdThumbnail String No/No
fileSize Number No/No
fileSizeImgLarge Number No/No
fileSizeImgSmall Number No/No
fileSizeThumbnail Number No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
The identifier of the object.
text String 0/4000 Yes/No
The text of the comment.
documentLanguageVersionId Number Yes/Yes
The documentLanguageVersionId of the document to which the comment is linked to.
person Person No/No
The person who created the comment.
documentId Number No/No
The documentId of the document to which the comment is linked to.
mentionedAccountIds Array<Number> No/No
documentLanguageVersionLanguageKey String No/No
documentLanguageVersionTitle String No/No
documentLanguageVersionVersion Number No/No
createTimeInSeconds Number No/No
textHtml String No/No
jsonType String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
description String No/No
jsonType String No/No
usedForNotification Boolean No/No
value String No/No
entityTypeId CommunicationEntityType No/No
imported Boolean No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
Internal id of the object.
name String 1/255 No/No
Name of the contact image.
jsonType String No/No
casId String No/No
casIdThumbnail String No/No
fileSize Number No/No
fileSizeThumbnail Number No/No
createTimeInSeconds Number No/No
mimeType String No/No
externalImgUrl String No/No
internal Boolean No/No
active Boolean No/No
external Boolean No/No
gravatar Boolean No/No
google Boolean No/No
cobot Boolean No/No
reference Object No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
The identifier of the object.
login String 1/255 Yes/No
Note: If login is not set, subscriptionEmail will be used instead.
The user’s login.
password String 1/255 Yes/No
Note: The password is RequiredOnCreate if updatePassword==true.
The user’s password.
subscriptionEmail String 3/255 Yes/Yes
The user’s email address.
updatePassword Boolean 3/255 Yes/No
Note: If true, no invitation email will be sent.
Update the user’s password.
dataSources Array<Instance> No/No
The list of data sources this credential has access to.


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
The identifier of the object.
invitationText Number 1/4000 Yes/No
The invitation text used. This is used when a person is invited.
login String 1/255 Yes/No
Note: If login is not set, subscriptionEmail will be used instead.
The user’s login.
password String 1/255 Yes/No
Note: The password is RequiredOnCreate if updatePassword==true.
The user’s password.
subscriptionEmail String 3/255 Yes/Yes
The user’s email address.
updatePassword Boolean 3/255 Yes/No
Note: If true, no invitation email will be sent.
Update the user’s password.
dataSources Array<Instance> No/No
The list of data sources this credential has access to.


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
Internal id of the object.
languageVersionId Number No/No
Internal unique id of the language version. This id identifies the document uniquely in the system.
languageVersionTitle String Yes/Yes
The title of the document language version. This title is the one visible as document title in the Browser UI.
languageVersionAbstract String Yes/No
The abstract (description) of the document.
languageVersionLanguageKey String Yes/No
The language key in two-string format (en, de, it, fr, etc.)
validBeginInSeconds Number Yes/No
Unix Time Stamp in seconds until when the document will start to be valid (if “valid” is true).
validEndInSeconds Number Yes/No
Unix Time Stamp in seconds until when the document will end to be valid (if “valid” is true).
valid Boolean Yes/No
If true, “validBeginInSeconds” and “validEndInSeconds” will be checked for validity of the document.
landscape Boolean Yes/No
If true, the document will be displayed in landscape mode.
additionalProperties Array<AdditionalProperties> Yes/No
languageVersionLanguageId Number No/No
Id of the language of the document.
archived Boolean Yes/No
True if the document is archived.
archivedBeginInSeconds Number Yes/No
Unix Time Stamp from when on the document will be archived (if “archived” is true).
attachments Array<Document> Yes/No
categories Array<Category> Yes/No
comments Array<Comment> No/No
createTimeInSeconds Number No/No
Unix Time Stamp when the document was created.
documentAttachments Array<Attachment> No/No
editorType Number Yes/No
Type of editor used to create the document.
followers Array<Person> No/No
Persons following the document
languageAttachments Array<Attachment> No/No
Attachments of the language defined when loading the document.
languageVersionCasId String No/No
Internal id of the CAS (Content Addressable Storage)
languageVersionCasIdPdf String No/No
Internal id of the CAS (Content Addressable Storage) of the auto-generated PDF file.
languageVersionCasIdThumbnail String No/No
Internal id of the CAS (Content Addressable Storage) of the auto-generated thumbnail file.
languageVersionCreateTimeInSeconds Number No/No
Unix Time Stamp when the document language version was created.
languageVersionCurrentlyInProcessing Boolean No/No
If true, this document is the newest language version of the document.
languageVersionFileSize Number No/No
The size in bytes of the documents text (main file)html or markdown).
languageVersionFileSizePdf Number No/No
The size in bytes of the auto-generated pdf file.
languageVersionFileSizeThumbnail Number No/No
The size in bytes of the auto-generated thumbnail file.
languageVersionReady Boolean No/No
If true, this language version cannot be changed anymore.
languageVersionReviewed Boolean No/No
If true, this language version is reviewed.
languageVersionStatus Number No/No
Bit mask of the status.
markedAsHelpfulBy Array<Person> No/No
relatedDocumentIds Array<Number> Yes/No
removed Boolean Yes/No
If true, the document is in the trash.
firstReadTimesInSeconds Map<Number, Number> No/No
A key-value list containing the first read time stamps in seconds (Unix Time Stamp). The key of the map is the account id.
lastReadTimesInSeconds Map<Number, Number> No/No
A key-value list containing the last read time stamps in seconds (Unix Time Stamp). The key of the map is the account id.
lastWriteTimesInSeconds Map<Number, Number> No/No
A key-value list containing the last write time stamps in seconds (Unix Time Stamp). The key of the map is the account id.
languageVersionValidBeginInSeconds Number No/No
Unix Time Stamp in seconds when the document language version will be valid.
languageVersionValidEndInSeconds Number No/No
Unix Time Stamp in seconds when the document language version will be invalid.
removeTimeInSeconds Number No/No
Unix Time Stamp in seconds when the document was removed.
reviewUntilInSeconds Number Yes/No
Unix Time Stamp in seconds until when the document should be reviewed (but currently unused).
responsibles Array<Person> Yes/No
Person(s) responsible for the document.
roleRelationType Number No/No
Can be set to Read=1 oder EDIT=2 depending on the permission of the current user.
roleRights Array<RoleRight> Yes/No
The list of role rights to this document. This defines who has READ or EDIT permissions to the document.
reviewRight Boolean No/No
If true, the document can be reviewed by the current user.
languageVersionReviewRequested Boolean No/No
If true, a review is requested for this language version.
snap Boolean No/No
If true, the document is a snap (Knowledge Flash).
template Boolean No/No
If true, the document is a template.
bio Boolean No/No
If true, the document is a person’s biography.
successorId Boolean Yes/No
The successor id of this document (currently not used).
sumRating Number No/No
Rating of the document.
extensionValues Array<ExtensionValue> No/No
Note: Extension values are currently not supported by the standard web UI (v.2.3)
List of extension values.
languageVersionCustomVersionString String Yes/No 2.5.0
The custom definable version number of the document.
readConfirmationTimesInSeconds Map<Number, Number> No/No 2.5.0
Map with key: accountId and value: the confirmation time in seconds of that account
roleRelationReadConfirmationRequested Boolean No/No 2.5.0
At least one of my roles are requested for reading confirmation.`
readConfirmationActive Boolean No/No 2.5.0
At least one of the related roles are set with readConfirmationRequested=true (overall)
languageVersionCasMd5 String No/No
languageVersionLastChangeInSeconds Number No/No
languageVersionMimeType String No/No
languageVersionVersion Number No/No
mentionedInCommentUnread Boolean No/No
jsonType String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
languageVersionCustomVersionString String No/No 2.5.0
The version comment of the related document (language-version).
languageVersionVersionComment String No/No 2.5.0
The custom version number of the related document (language-version).
dlvVersionComment Boolean No/No 2.5.0
true, if version comment was changed.
dlvCustomVersionString Boolean No/No 2.5.0
true, if custom version string was changed.
jsonType String No/No
action Number No/No
changeDateInSeconds Number No/No
dlvAbstract Boolean No/No
dlvAttachment Boolean No/No
dlvExtensionValue Boolean No/No
dlvMainFile Boolean No/No
dlvPublished Boolean No/No
dlvReviewRequestDeclined Boolean No/No
dlvReviewRequested Boolean No/No
dlvReviewRequestGranted Boolean No/No
dlvReviewUnrequested Boolean No/No
dlvTitle Boolean No/No
dlvValidBegin Boolean No/No
dlvValidEnd Boolean No/No
docAdditionalProperty Boolean No/No
docArchivedBegin Boolean No/No
docArchivedFalse Boolean No/No
docArchivedTrue Boolean No/No
docCategory Boolean No/No
docLandscapeFalse Boolean No/No
docLandscapeTrue Boolean No/No
docLanguageRemoved Boolean No/No
docPermission Boolean No/No
docResponsible Boolean No/No
docReviewUntil Boolean No/No
docTrashedFalse Boolean No/No
docTrashedTrue Boolean No/No
documentId Number No/No
docValidBegin Boolean No/No
docValidEnd Boolean No/No
docValidFalse Boolean No/No
docValidTrue Boolean No/No
docVersionRemoved Boolean No/No
languageVersionId Number No/No
languageVersionLanguageId Number No/No
languageVersionLanguageKey String No/No
languageVersionVersion Number No/No
person Person No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
map Map<Number, DocumentChangeLogs> No/No
The document change log map. The key of the map is the start of each day in seconds (Unix Time Stamp).
totalHits Number No/No
The number of hits.


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
documentChangeLog Array<DocumentChangeLog> No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
languageVersionLanguageId Number No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
documents Array<Document> No/No
tempFileDescriptors Array<TempFileDescriptor> No/No
originId Number No/No
targetId Number No/No
contextToken String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
lastAuthor String No/No 2.5.0
The last author of the document (version).
publishingDate String No/No 2.5.0
The publishing date (formatted string) of the document (version).
reviewer String No/No 2.5.0
The reviewer of the document (version).
showLastAuthor String No/No 2.5.0
Hint for the pdf generation to show the last author.
showVersion String No/No 2.5.0
Hint for the pdf generation to show the version.
showPublishingDate String No/No 2.5.0
Hint for the pdf generation to show the publishing date.
showReviewer String No/No 2.5.0
Hint for the pdf generation to show the reviewer.
document Document No/No
mainFile String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
Internal id of the object.
documentId Number No/No
lockedByMyself Boolean No/No
lockedForMe Boolean No/No
lockTimestampInSeconds Number No/No
person Person No/No
previousAccountId Number No/No
sessionId String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
jsonType String No/No
key String No/No
type Number No/No
value Object No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
fragments Array<String> No/No
indexField String No/No


The Instance class represents the a set of data of a matterial environment related to an instance owner. The term used in the matterial SaaS environment is Instance whereas in some areas of the API the term DataSource is used. A user can be linked to multiple Instances.

Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
The identifier of the object.
name String 1/255 Yes/Yes
The name of the data source.
displayName String 0/255 Yes/No
The display name of the data source.
active String Yes/No
Indicates if the data source is active
reference String No/No
jsonType String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
name String No/No
The name of the language.
The identifier of the object.
active String Yes/No
True, if the language is active.
i18nKey String No/No
The i18n key of the language.
prio Number No/No
Priority of the language.


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
pwdSetEnabled Boolean No/No 2.5.0
If true you are allowed to change your password without knowing the old one (For example after login with MagicLink).
sessionId String No/No
The current session id.
externallyAuthenticated Boolean No/No
Is true, if the user was authenticated with en external service (OAuth, LDAP, etc).
currentDataSource String No/No
The current instance.
favouriteDataSource String No/No
The favourite instance.
permissions String No/No
The current user’s permissions.
person Person No/No
This property represents the current logged in person.
client String No/No
The current user’s client.
availableLanguages Array<Language> No/No
availableDataSources Array<Instance> No/No
All instances the current logged in user has access to.
accountSettings Map<String, object> No/No
A key-value list with all account settings.
clientPreferences Map<String, object> No/No
A key-value list with all client preferences.


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
buildNumber String No/No
commit String No/No
info String No/No
major Number No/No
minor Number No/No
moduleName String No/No
patch Number No/No
scmBranch String No/No
timestamp String No/No
timeStampInMillis Number No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
passwordCurrent String No/No
passwordNew String No/No
passwordNew2 String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
preferenceDescriptions Map<String, object> No/No
A key-value list containing the preference descriptions. The key is the same as in Preferences
preferences Map<String, object> No/No
A key-value list containing the preferences. The key is the same as in PreferenceDescriptions.


The permissions class is used for Persons an roles.
Implemented since version: 1.0

Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
administrateAll Boolean Yes/No
Administrate all areas of the application.
editPerson Boolean Yes/No
Edit persons.
editDocument Boolean Yes/No
Create and edit documents.
editDocumentTemplate Boolean Yes/No
Create and edit document templates.
editRole Boolean Yes/No
Create and edit roles and groups.
editCategory Boolean Yes/No
Create and edit categories.
editTask Boolean Yes/No
Create and edit tasks.
comment Boolean Yes/No
Create and edit my comments.
viewArchive Boolean Yes/No
View archived documents
viewStatistic Boolean Yes/No
Not used yet.
showTrash Boolean Yes/No
Show the Administrator’s trash showing trashed documents of all users.
editGallery Boolean Yes/No
Not used yet.
immediateReview Boolean Yes/No
Ability to save and review a document in one step.
publishUnreviewed Boolean Yes/No
Can publish documents immediately without having to request a review.
editAdditionalProperty Boolean Yes/No
Create and edit additional properties.
editGlobalSavedSearch Boolean Yes/No
Create and edit global saved searches.
createSnap Boolean Yes/No
Create a Knowledge Flash (a Snap).
bitmask Number No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
accountId Number No/No
The unique account id.
contactId Number No/No
The unique contact id.
accountLogin String 1/255 No/Yes
The account login (typically the email address).
contactImage ContactImage No/No
The contact image of the person.
firstName String 0/255 Yes/No
First name
lastName String 0/255 Yes/No
Last name
gender Number Yes/No
addresses Array<Address> Yes/No
Addresses of the person.
birthdayInSeconds Number Yes/No
Unix Time Stamp of the birthday.
position String Yes/No
communicationData Array<CommunicationData> Yes/No
List of Communication data like email, telephone, etc.
contactImages Array<ContactImage> Yes/No
accountCreateTimeInSeconds Number No/No
Unix Time Stamp in seconds when the person was created.
accountLastLoginInSeconds Number No/No
Unix Time Stamp in seconds of the last login.
bioDocument Document No/No
The biography document.
clients Array<Client> No/No
The list of clients this person is related to.
rolesContent Array<Role> No/No
rolesFunctional Array<Role> No/No
rolesReview Array<Role> No/No
demo Boolean No/No
instanceOwner Boolean No/No
permissions Permissions No/No
rolePersonal Role No/No
systemAccount Boolean No/No
jsonType String No/No


The role class is used to manage roles. There are four different types of roles: Functional, WorkGroup, Personal and ReviewGroup.
Implemented since version: 1.0

Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
name String 1/255 Yes/Yes
The name of the role.
description String 0/4000 Yes/No
The description of the role.
The identifier of the object.
entityTypeId Permissions Yes/Yes
Note: The system handles WorkGroups, PersonalRoles, ReviewGroups and FunctionalRoles as roles.
The type of role to create.
permissions Permissions Yes/No
The permissions of the role.
initiallyAssignedToAccount Boolean Yes/No
If true, the role will automatically be assigned to a new account.
initiallyAssignedTypeToDocument Boolean Yes/No
If true, the role will automatically be assigned to a new document.
personalRolePerson Person Yes/No
If the role is of type PersonalRole, this property is set with the person.
jsonType String No/No
bitmask Number No/No
clientId Number No/No
notRemovable Boolean No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
role Role No/No
The role this role right belongs to.
type Number No/No
Type of the role right: READ=1, EDIT=2
readConfirmationRequested Boolean Yes/No 2.5.0
true if the reading confirmation for this role and the related document is enabled.
jsonType String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
name String Yes/No
The name of the saved search.
Id of the object.
dashboardPrio Number Yes/No
If > 0 then the saved search will be displayed on the dashboard. The actual dashboard priority can be set using the prio function
dashboardStyle DashboardStyles Yes/No
The style of the dashboard: List=0, ListDark=1, ListLight=2, Columns=3, ColumnsDark=4, ColumnsLight=5, Grid=6, GridDark=7, GridLight=8
params Array<SavedSearchParameter> Yes/No
The search parameters. This is a Key-Value list where each item specifies a query parameter key and its value of the search to be executed. See Document Search for details
roleIds Array<Number> Yes/No
Set the ids of the roles. The permission EDIT_GLOBAL_SAVED_SEARCH is required to set the roleIds
personal Boolean No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
key String No/No
value String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
label String No/No
object Object No/No
value String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
The identifier of the object.
description String 1/255 Yes/Yes
The description of the task.
assignedRole Role Yes/Yes
Note: This can be either a person or a group role.
The role assigned to the task.
documentId Number Yes/No
Note: A task can be created without being assigned to a document but the general approach is to always assign a document to a task. Make sure, the correct documentLanguageVersionId is set.
The document assigned to the task.
documentLanguageVersionId Number Yes/No
Note: When a task is assigned to a document, it has to be assigned to a specific language version. The documentLanguageVersionId must belong to the documentId specified.
The document language version assigned to the task.
taskStatusId Number Yes/Yes
The id of the task status.
snap Boolean Yes/No
True if the task was created by a Snap document (Knowledge Flash).
acceptedAccount Person Yes/No
The person which accepts the task. Accepting a task moves the task to the reponsibility of the person.
dueDateInSeconds Number No/No
The due date of the task in secoonds (Unix Time Stamp).
jsonType String No/No
authorAccount Person No/No
resubmissionTimePeriod Number Yes/No 2.5.0
The interval for the resubmission task (in days or months).
resubmissionTimeUnit Number Yes/No 2.5.0
The unit: 0 days, 1 months.
resubmissionDateInSeconds Number Yes/No 2.5.0
The next due date for a recurring task. First date could be set manually. All further dates are automatically calculated on action resubmit.
creationDateInSeconds Number No/No
documentLanguageVersionLanguageKey String No/No
documentLanguageVersionTitle String No/No
documentLanguageVersionVersion Number No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
name String 0/255 No/No
The name of the object.
id Number No/No
The identifier of the object.
description String 0/255 No/No
The description of the object.


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
contextToken String No/No
displayName String No/No
fileName String No/No
fileSize Number No/No
fileToken String No/No
fileType String No/No
languageKey String No/No
mimeType String No/No
tempFileName String No/No


Json Schema

Json Example

Xml Example


Property Data type Min/Max Updateable / Required on create Version implemented
id Number No/No
actionId String No/No
actionType String No/No
appContext String No/No
appInstance String No/No
appType String No/No
changeLog String No/No
creationDateInSeconds Number No/No
objectId Number No/No
objectRef String No/No
sessionId String No/No
userId Number No/No
jsonType String No/No